RNF Redux
For the RNF-REDUX, we set about blending the best of both boards. Keeping the pulled in performance and easy-going drive of the Classic, with glide and versatility of the RNF-Quint, we created a high-performance hybrid that paddles well and glides across flat-faced, sloppy, small junk surf, as well as perform radical, on rail, precise high-speed surfing in real waves.
The rocker, bottom contours and forward outline are based on the Classic. The tail outline is a hybrid of both. An MR influenced, fluted wing, transitions into a narrower swallow. The deep wing and pulled in tail reduce surface area and supply that precise tack sharp feeling when turning in the pocket. The added area in front of the wing, makes a more parallel outline between the feet, providing planing, drive and glide.
Like all versions of the RNF, the REDUX features a very low overall centerline rocker, with modest single concave under the front foot, to keep the board planing at low speeds. The concave gradually reduces to flat up in the nose, allowing forgiving entry into waves and in and out of turns. The vee in the tail enables the board to retain its very low stringer-line rocker, while still being easy to turn, and gives the board so much control.
The radical change from concave in the centre, to vee in the tail creates an aggressive rail rocker that engages when the board is rolled onto a rail. It then feels like a board with much more overall rocker. Thus allowing tight radius turns on the face, and in the lip.
For fins, we went back to the Classic TwinFin influenced placement on the front fins. They are marked with 5″ bases, and set back slightly as we did with all the fixed fin twins in the ’90s. Built standard with 5 fin boxes, The board is first and foremost designed to be ridden with large Twin fins up front, but along with a myriad of other options.
It can be ridden as a Twin/Quad, using large twins up front and 2 small side bite trailer fins behind.
Another option is the MR style, 2+1, using large twins in front and one small stabilizer on the rear center. That, or rock it as a pure twin and feel the fast, low friction, freedom.
If none of these float your fancy, theres always the standard quad, split keel quads or even thruster set ups to fit the time, place and person on board. Mix n match, have fun and enjoy.